North American District Meeting NAIDM

Zonta District 15 invites you to the 2025 North American Inter-District Meeting in Novi, Michigan June 20-22 2025

The North American Inter-District Meeting is your opportunity to immerse yourself in Zonta education.  This weekend offers a variety of workshops presented by Zontians for Zontians.  The program includes an address from the Zonta International Board members and fellowship with Zontians across North America.  Be prepared to be inspired, to make new friends and reconnect with old friends, and to bring back to your club ideas for increasing your club’s impact in the community.

Click here for more information

Zonta Area 1 & 3 Meetings

More details to come!

Zonta International 67th Convention

Zonta Intenational invites you to our 67th Convention in Vancouver Canada July 11-14, 2026

The Zonta International Convention is your opportunity to immerse yourself in Zonta’s global mission and education. This inspiring event offers a variety of workshops presented by Zontians for Zontians, providing valuable insights and leadership development. The program includes an address from Zonta International Board members and opportunities to connect with fellow Zontians from around the world. Be prepared to be inspired, forge new friendships, reconnect with longtime colleagues, and bring back fresh ideas to enhance your club’s impact in your community.

Click here for more information Convention